Patient Journey
Your Invisalign consultation
Your first appointment with Dr Woodhouse, we will start by discussing your dental concerns and goals for treatment.
We will thoroughly examine your teeth and bite and discuss treatment options and costs. We may also take a complimentary 3D iTero scan and any necessary X-rays so we can visualise the final result together using the Invisalign Outcome Simulator tool.
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Patient Journey
Preparing for Invisalign Treatment
Creating your Invisalign Clincheck
Once we have confirmed that Invisalign is right for you, we will collect some photographs, x-rays, and a 3D iTero digital scan. Using the Invisalign Clincheck software, Dr Woodhouse will put his extensive knowledge and experience to good use, creating a bespoke treatment plan for you. This only takes a few days to produce.
Reviewing your Invisalign Clincheck
We invite you to return to the clinic to look at your Clincheck plan. At this stage, we can be very specific about your treatment plan and result. If you prefer, we can do this over Zoom, and some people prefer to skip this stage altogether leaving the final review for Dr Woodhouse to approve in your absence. If you are keen to proceed, payments or finance need to be organised following this stage.
Patient Journey
Invisalign Treatment
Starting you Invisalign treatment
The aligners typically take 2-3 weeks to be manufactured and shipped. Once we have them, we are ready to go! We will normally fit some tiny composite attachments to your teeth to help the aligners grip, fit the first aligner and give you detailed instruction on how to wear and care for your Invisalign aligners. We will give you approximately 6 aligners to start off with, that you will work your way through at home, changing every 7 days.
Creating your perfect smile
We will guide and support you as you work through your teeth-straightening journey. We would like to see you every 6-8 weeks although this is flexible, and we will gladly work around your commitments. Once you have worked through your first set of aligners, it is likely that we will need to order some additional aligners to perfect the alignment. There is no additional charge for this. Very occasionally we may need to supplement your treatment with additional attachments, elastics or braces, but this will be discussed before we start.
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At Neyo Dental Specialists, we aim to make your teeth straightening experience easy and smooth flowing. Invisalign treatment offers a fantastic flexibility so we can easily work around your work, study, holidays, weddings or whatever else you may have going on.

Patient Journey
The big day!
Once you are happy with your teeth, Dr Woodhouse will remove all of the composite attachments, fit bonded retainers to the back of the front teeth and make some removable retainers for you to wear in bed.
We would like to continue seeing you for a year or two to make sure there has been no movement, check the retainers, and offer ongoing advice.